Publisher's Synopsis
RobotBASIC has an integrated robot simulator with numerous sensors including bumpers, IR perimeter sensors, line sensors, a ranging sensor, a beacon detector, and an electronic compass. Our book, Robot Programmer's Bonanza, showed that these sensors can give a mobile robot amazing capabilities. RobotBASIC also has a proprietary protocol that allows it to control real robots with the very same programs developed with the simulator. This book gives a detail description of how to modify the 3Pi robot from Pololu so that it has all the sensors listed above and can be controlled over a Bluetooth link from a PC running RobotBASIC. There are many example programs that demonstrate how to use the 3Pi's new capabilities. This is not a beginner's project and readers are assumed to have soldering skills and the ability to read and interpret schematics. Download your FREE copy of RobotBASIC and discover how easy it can be to program a mobile robot.