Publisher's Synopsis
Nicole Krauss es, sin duda, uno de los grandes nombres de la narrativa norteamericana actual.
Acompaña a los protagonistas en sus peripecias por escapar de la oscura selva en la que viven atrapados.
Krauss ha sido avalada por autores de la talla de Joseph Brodsky, Philip Roth y Susan Sontag.
Tras su sensacional debut en 2005 con La historia del amor -novela traducida a más de treinta idiomas y de la cual se han vendido más de un millón y medio de ejemplares en todo el mundo-, su prestigio no ha hecho más que aumentar entre el público y la crìtica.
Jules Epstein es un exitoso abogado neoyorquino que, después de jubilarse, se ha esfumado sin dejar rastro. Para sus allegados, la desaparición de este hombre de carácter arrollador, acostumbrado a ser siempre el mejor en todo, sólo se explica por los golpes que la vida le ha deparado recientemente. En efecto, consternado por la muerte de sus padres, Epstein ha puesto fin a su matrimonio de treinta y seis años y, tocado por &«la enfermedad de la caridad extrema», ha hipotecado su vivienda de la Quinta Avenida, se ha desprendido de sus pertenencias y se ha marchado a Tel Aviv, donde, en la planta quince del hotel Hilton, ha instalado su centro de operaciones.
En el mismo emblemático hotel se hospeda Nicole, una novelista que, en plena crisis personal, ha dejado a su marido y sus dos hijos en Brooklyn con la esperanza de que las vistas de la piscina en la que solìa bañarse de pequeña, durante las vacaciones familiares, obren el milagro de acabar con su bloqueo creativo.
Pero cuando un enigmático profesor de literatura jubilado la contrata para rematar una presunta obra de teatro de Kafka, la mujer se ve envuelta en un misterioso asunto que la llevará a embarcarse en un viaje metafìsico que la transformará de un modo inimaginable.
&«Una novela deslumbrante. Me llena de admiración.» -Philip Roth
&«Una obra maestra: creativa, profunda, sabia, muy seria, elegante, muy humana y humanista.» -Francesca Segal, Financial Times
&«Esta novela te devuelve la fe en la ficción.» -Ali Smith
&«Una novela rebosante de vida y humor, que nos habla de la metamorfosis y la búsqueda de uno mismo.» -The New York Times
National Bestseller
A New York Times Notable Book of 2017
Named Best Book of 2017 by Esquire, Times Literary Supplement, Elle Magazine, LitHub, Publishers Weekly, Financial Times, Guardian, Refinery29, Popsugar, and Globe and Mail
"A brilliant novel. I am full of admiration." -Philip Roth
"One of America's most important novelists" (New York Times), the award-winning, New York Times bestselling author of The History of Love, conjures an achingly beautiful and breathtakingly original novel about personal transformation that interweaves the stories of two disparate individuals-an older lawyer and a young novelist-whose transcendental search leads them to the same Israeli desert.
Jules Epstein, a man whose drive, avidity, and outsized personality have, for sixty-eight years, been a force to be reckoned with, is undergoing a metamorphosis. In the wake of his parents' deaths, his divorce from his wife of more than thirty years, and his retirement from the New York legal firm where he was a partner, he's felt an irresistible need to give away his possessions, alarming his children and perplexing the executor of his estate. With the last of his wealth, he travels to Israel, with a nebulous plan to do something to honor his parents. In Tel Aviv, he is sidetracked by a charismatic American rabbi planning a reunion for the descendants of King David who insists that Epstein is part of that storied dynastic line. He also meets the rabbi's beautiful daughter who convinces Epstein to become involved in her own project-a film about the life of David being shot in the desert-with life-changing consequences.
But Epstein isn't the only seeker embarking on a metaphysical journey that dissolves his sense of self, place, and history. Leaving her family in Brooklyn, a young, well-known novelist arrives at the Tel Aviv Hilton where she has stayed every year since birth. Troubled by writer's block and a failing marriage, she hopes that the hotel can unlock a dimension of reality-and her own perception of life-that has been closed off to her. But when she meets a retired literature professor who proposes a project she can't turn down, she's drawn into a mystery that alters her life in ways she could never have imagined.
Bursting with life and humor, Forest Dark is a profound, mesmerizing novel of metamorphosis and self-realization-of looking beyond all that is visible towards the infinite.