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En Busca Del Barón Corvo

En Busca Del Barón Corvo Un Experimento Biográfico

Paperback (01 May 2005) | Spanish

  • $28.65
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Publisher's Synopsis

After having it recommended to him by friend, A.J.A. Symons read Frederick Rolfe's Hadrian the Seventh in 1925 and found himself entranced by the novel and by its mysterious and all-but-forgotten author. This book is a hilarious and heartbreaking portrait of the strange Frederick Rolfe, an artist, writer, and frustrated aspirant to the priesthood with a talent for self-destruction, but it is also a self-portrait, a study of the obsession and sympathy that inspires the biographer's art.


Siguiendo la recomendación de un amigo, en 1925 A.J.A. Symons leyó Hadrian the Seventh y quedó anonadado por la obra y por su misterioso y prácticamente olvidado autor. Este libro es un retrato graciosìsimo y desgarrador del excéntrico Frederick Rolfe, artista, escritor, y aspirante frustrado al seminario con un verdadero talento para la destrucción propia., pero es también un auto-retrato, un estudio de la obsesión y la simpatìa que inspiran el arte del biógrafo.

Book information

ISBN: 9788493431518
Publisher: Libros del Asteroide
Imprint: Libros del Asteroide
Pub date:
Language: Spanish
Number of pages: 362
Weight: 363g
Height: 198mm
Width: 124mm
Spine width: 20mm