Publisher's Synopsis
<p> <b>Employment Law: A Guide to Hiring, Managing, and Firing for Employers and Employees</b> offers a coherent overview that follows the sequence of day-to-day events—from job creation to recruitment, including compensation and benefits, leave entitlements, and performance management, all the way to the conclusion of the employment relationship. </p> <p> This text is available in <b>ebook</b> format from the <a target="_blank" href=""> VitalSource Store</a>. <br />To download and use the ebook, you will need the free VitalSource Bookshelf software. <a target="_blank" href=""> DOWNLOAD NOW </a><br /> <a target="_blank" href=""><img style="border:0;" src="" alt="VitalBook Format Available" /></a> </p> <p> <b>This practical text features:</b> </p> <ul> <li> <b>an accessible and informative introduction to discrimination law </b> </li> <li> <b>a practical and chronological survey of the employment relationship:</b> identifying a hiring need, recruitment, the application and interview process, compensation and benefits, performance assessment, and the conclusion of the employment relationship </li> <li> <b>a clear and accessible explication of basic legal concepts and principles </b> </li> <li> <b>engaging hypothetical scenarios </b>throughout the text that illustrate realistic legal issues that arise in the employment relationship </li> <li> <b>empirical data and guidance</b> from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) </li> <li> <b>a skillfully crafted design for learning </b>that includes chapter overviews, lists of learning objectives, highlighted key terms, and discussion questions </li> <li> <b>a detailed Instructor's Manual </b>with sample syllabi and test bank </li> </ul> <p> With complete coverage of discrimination topics and a practice-based approach, <b>Employment Law: A Guide to Hiring, Managing, and Firing for Employers and Employees </b>educates the reader with a wealth of context and insight. </p> <p> <b>Lori B. Rassas, Esq.</b>, has worked as an employment and labor attorney for more than a decade. She received an LL.M. in Labor and Employment Law from New York University Law School, a J.D. from the George Washington University Law School, and a B.A. from Tufts University. Throughout her career she has provided extensive guidance and counsel on all phases of the employment process to both employers and employees. She has developed a pragmatic approach to the navigation of employment relationships that is derived from her experience working to resolve complex legal issues that have arisen on both sides of the bargaining table </p> <p> *Instructor's Manuals are a professional courtesy offered to professors only. For more information or to request a copy, please contact Wolter's Kluwer Law & Business at 800.529.7545 or [email protected]. </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p>