Publisher's Synopsis
Understanding Emotional Intelligence, incorporating it in our lives, and making it better.
Every human on this planet wants to live a successful life. We may have read and learned a lot of techniques to achieve success. But most often, Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is gets ignored in this subject. IQ has a considerable market and acceptance in the world of success, and EQ is still not a very popular concept. But in today's world EQ is more important than IQ. To be intelligent is a good thing, but to be emotionally intelligent is as important as academic excellence. We can solve technical problems and can fix them using our intelligence and academic excellence, but when in practical life, we need to be emotionally intelligent too. Whether it's a workplace, a gathering of friends, or at home with our family, every situation requires emotionally creative solutions and reactions to be considerate and successful. Emotional intelligence helps us differentiating between negative and positive vibes. This book covers all types of emotions that we face in our lives daily. Identifying them, understanding them, and controlling them according to the situation is the skill that we need to learn and incorporate in our lives for a healthy and prosperous life.
In this book, you will learn: - What is emotional intelligence- How it helps in controlling our emotions and feelings- How can we develop, improve, and add emotional intelligence in our lives?- Impact of EQ in business and relationships. - Improving social skills and influencing others - Benefits and application of EQWe have to accept the fact that to be emotionally intelligent is as important as our IQ. In this book, you will learn detailed guidance about EQ and other researches that support the concept of EQ.
So don't wait for anything and get your copy now.