Elements of Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transfer Systems

Elements of Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transfer Systems

Paperback (25 Sep 2023)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This book focuses on elementary concepts of both radio frequency energy harvesting (RFEH) and wireless power transfer (WPT), and highlights their fundamental requirements followed by recent advancements. It provides a systematic overview of the key components required for RFEH and WPT applications and also comprehensively introduces the pioneering research advancements achieved to date. The state-of-the-art circuit design topologies for the two different applications are presented mainly in terms of antenna operating frequencies, polarization characteristics, efficient matching network circuits, rectifier topologies, and overall rectenna systems. The book serves as a single point of reference for practicing engineers and researchers searching for potential sources and elements involved in the RFEH system as well as in the WPT system, and need rapid training and design guidelines in the following areas:

 Different sensing elements used in RFEH and WPT

 Inclusions of mathematical expressions and design problems

 Illustration of some design examples and performance enhancement techniques

Book information

ISBN: 9780367636043
Publisher: CRC Press
Imprint: CRC Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 621.042
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 172
Weight: 318g
Height: 156mm
Width: 235mm
Spine width: 14mm