Elementary and Intermediate Algebra

Elementary and Intermediate Algebra Algebra Within Reach

6th ed.

Hardback (01 Jan 2013)

  • $297.96
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Publisher's Synopsis

Larson IS student success. ELEMENTARY AND INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA: ALGEBRA WITHIN REACH owes its success to the hallmark features for which the Larson team is known: learning by example, a straightforward and accessible writing style, emphasis on visualization through the use of graphs to reinforce algebraic and numeric solutions and to interpret data, and comprehensive exercise sets. These pedagogical features are carefully coordinated to ensure that students are better able to make connections between mathematical concepts and understand the content. With a bright, appealing design, the new Sixth Edition builds on the Larson tradition of guided learning by incorporating a comprehensive range of student success materials to help develop students' proficiency and conceptual understanding of algebra. The text also continues coverage and integration of geometry in examples and exercises.

Book information

ISBN: 9781285074672
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Imprint: Cengage Learning
Pub date:
Edition: 6th ed.
Language: English
Number of pages: 816
Weight: 1746g
Height: 277mm
Width: 224mm
Spine width: 33mm