Elegant Design A Designer's Guide to Harnessing Aesthetics

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Publisher's Synopsis

Visual information is everywhere. We are constantly immersed in a flow of visual data that reshapes our social and inner world. Companies and individuals are competing to conquer the public's scarce attention by inventing distinctive visual formats to stand out from the crowd. How can designers, inventors, and product managers create designs that are quick to process as well as meaningful, unique and memorable in an age characterized by constant information overload?

The answer is to think aesthetically. Research insights at the intersection between cognitive science and art studies demonstrate that our minds can effectively process visual complexity by using aesthetic pleasure and judgement as a guide. Analysing the work of great artists and designers from the perspective of how our mind appreciates beauty, Elegant Design identifies actionable aesthetic strategies that will help you to design products and user experiences that are useful, beautiful and meaningful.

Book information

ISBN: 9781350177451
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing (UK)
Imprint: Bloomsbury Visual Arts
Pub date:
DEWEY: 745.4
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 200
Weight: 910g
Height: 218mm
Width: 276mm
Spine width: 19mm