El Tigre

El Tigre - Caballo Alado ZOO

Hardback (01 May 2012) | Spanish

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Publisher's Synopsis

Charming illustrations and full-color photographs combine with humorous text-in printed letters and cursive-to engage children and stimulate an early love of reading. Each book in the series concludes with a summary and basic information about the animals.


The jungle in Asia is where the tiger likes to spend his time-not in a toy store, where people would think he was a stuffed animal and take him home, nor in a butcher's shop, where he would eat all the meat. The tiger's solitary lifestyle, its unique coloring and stripes, and its common prey are discussed.


Ilustraciones encantadoras y fotografìas a todo color se combinan con textos humorìsticos-en letra de palo y manuscrita-para captar a los niños y estimular un amor temprano por la lectura. Cada libro en la serie concluye con un resumen e información básica sobre los animales.


La selva de Asia es donde al tigre le gusta pasearse-no en una tienda de juguetes, donde la gente creerìa que es un peluche y se lo llevarìa a casa, tampoco en una carnicerìa, donde se comerìa toda la carne. El estilo de vida solitario de los tigres, su colorido y rayas únicas y su presa son discutidos.

Book information

ISBN: 9788498256260
Publisher: Combel Editorial
Imprint: Combel Editorial
Pub date:
Language: Spanish
Number of pages: 24
Weight: 249g
Height: 211mm
Width: 211mm
Spine width: 8mm