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El Mundo Zurdo 7

El Mundo Zurdo 7 Selected Works from the 2018 Meeting of the Society for the Study of Gloria Anzaldúa

Paperback (27 Feb 2020)

  • $20.31
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Publisher's Synopsis

El Mundo Zurdo 7 is a collection of diverse essays and poetry that offer scholarly and creative responses inspired by the life and work of Gloria Anzaldúa, selected from the 2018 meeting of The Society for the Study of Gloria Anzaldúa.

Contributors include: Sonya Alemán, Mariana Alessandri, Ewa Antoszek, Lobat Asadi, Paola Bacchetta, Camille Beck, Cordelia E. Barrera, Catalina Bartlett, Samantha Ceballos, Casie C. Cobos, Amanda E. Cuellar, Qwo-Li Driskill, Ricardo L. Franco, Jess Gonzales, L. Heidenreich, Andrés C. López, Rebel Mariposa, Yvonne Montoya, Sandra Pacheco, Eliza Pérez, Gabriela Raquel Rios, Liliana Saldaña, Victorria Simpson-Gervin, Mario L. Suárez, Fabiola Ochoa Tarralba, Stephanie K. Wheeler, Claudia Zapata

Book information

ISBN: 9781879960992
Publisher: Aunt Lute Books
Imprint: Aunt Lute Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 818.5409
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 194
Weight: 318g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 15mm