Publisher's Synopsis
Exam board: Edexcel
Level: A-level
Subject: Mathematics
First teaching: September 2017
First exams: Summer 2018
Student eTextbooks are downloadable versions of the printed textbook, purchased on a copy-by-copy basis and allocated to students through Dynamic Learning. Our Student eTextbooks link seamlessly with MEI Integral Further Mathematics online resources, allowing you to move with ease between corresponding topics in the eTextbooks and Integral.
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Develop knowledge and the skills needed to apply reasoning to mathematical problems with this textbook that covers the Statistics content of the new AS and A-level specifications.
The content benefits from the expertise of subject specialist Keith Pledger and the support of MEI (Mathematics in Education and Industry).
- Ensure targeted development of reasoning and problem-solving skills with practice questions and differentiated exercises that build statistical techniques.
- Address the new statistics requirements with questions around the use of large data sets.
- Cover the use of technology in mathematics with a variety of questions based around the use of spreadsheets, graphing software and graphical calculators.
- Overcome misconceptions and develop insight into problem solving with annotated worked examples.
- Consolidate understanding with end-of-chapter summaries of the key points.