Publisher's Synopsis
The real existing State called Bihar has now many connotations. It is a state having the syndrome of nondevelopment despite the fact that it has the past glory amidst plenty of resources. There is no denying the fact that Bihar has remained as one of the richest parts of the country in terms of natural and human resources. There is vast tract of fertile land and abundance of water in the State. The available analysis in the socioeconomic perspective of the state in this work is quite conclusive that its journey for development is from debttrap to backwardnesstrap. Bihar is still lurching from one crisis to another crisis. The question, therefore, arises is how the new vision will be forthcoming in this State. The recent upsurge of the democratic process in Bihar, increasing participation of the background communities, dalits and mahadalits in the political process signifies that conditions are ripe for implementation of all those forces which are essential for socio?economic development of the State. Agriculture being the backbone of the economy, a vision of Bihar should be rooted in efforts for agriculture development led industrialisation. There is high potential of agroprocessing industries in the state which needs to be tapped by strengthening agriculture and industry linkages. This book provide an understanding to the scholars of different disciplines. The book will provide guidelines to the planners, policymakers, academics, administrators and other people concern for development.