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Earmarked for Collision

Earmarked for Collision A Highly Biased Tour of Collage Animation - Focus Animation

Paperback (19 Dec 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Collage art and film date back to the early 20th century (the earliest collages have roots in 12th-century Japan). It was rooted in the age of consumerism where artists addressed an array of political and social issues by creating a carefully crafted collision of pre-existing images and sounds to generate new meanings and commentaries on the surrounding world.

Collage has also pushed the boundaries of animation, by incorporating other artistic forms (e.g., photography, live action, experimental cinema, literature, found sound) while exploring an array of social, cultural and political issues.

In Earmarked for Collision, award-winning writer Chris Robinson (The Animation Pimp, Mad Eyed Misfits, Unsung Heroes of Animation) takes us on a tour of the history of collage animation, cataloguing the collage works of notable artists like Larry Jordan, Harry Smith, Stan Vanderbeek, Terry Gilliam, Janie Geiser, Martha Colburn, Lewis Klahr, Run Wrake, Lei Lei, Kelly Sears, Jodie Mack, and many, many others.

Book information

ISBN: 9781032439082
Publisher: CRC Press
Imprint: CRC Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 791.4334
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 134
Weight: 196g
Height: 138mm
Width: 217mm
Spine width: 12mm