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EXTRAORDINARY HISTORY Melbourne Regional Chamber of Commerce on Florida's Space Coast, 1919 to 2025, and Beyond

EXTRAORDINARY HISTORY Melbourne Regional Chamber of Commerce on Florida's Space Coast, 1919 to 2025, and Beyond

Hardback (08 Dec 2024)

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Paperback (08 Dec 2024) $27.44

Publisher's Synopsis

This book chronicles the important role that the organization now known as Melbourne Regional Chamber of Florida's Space Coast has played in encouraging and enabling the development and transition of the county from a collection of fishing villages to an aerospace and defense hub. It records the history of the county's various chambers of commerce and their impact on the community. This history sheds some light that will assist the Chamber in continuing its important role in shaping our community. Moreover, this book will cause young leaders in south Brevard County to recognize the Chamber as a vehicle through which they can have a meaningful impact upon their community and experience the satisfaction that comes from being part of an endeavor that serves the greater good of their community and transcends their personal aspirations.

Book information

ISBN: 9798988904878
Publisher: William C. Potter
Imprint: William C. Potter
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 260
Weight: -1g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 22mm