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ERSKINE QUINT Intrepid Adventurer Extraordinaire

ERSKINE QUINT Intrepid Adventurer Extraordinaire "Tentacles of Evil"

Paperback (08 Nov 2023)

  • $24.35
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Publisher's Synopsis

The continuation of Erskine Quint's outrageous adventures in, Tentacles of Evil, is his quest to expose to the world who really is behind the globe's largest illicit business, narcotic production, and narcotic trafficking! Both quests pitch Erskine Quint, and his Indian manservant, Kimjabi, once again into the global battle of good versus evil! (Only to be read by adults, contains violence and erotic) L.R.Johnson

Book information

ISBN: 9789359830841
Publisher: Repro India Limited
Imprint: Pharos Books Private Limited
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 382
Weight: 440g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 20mm