Dutch Reformed Protestants in the Holy Roman Empire, C.1550-1620

Dutch Reformed Protestants in the Holy Roman Empire, C.1550-1620 A Reformation of Refugees - Changing Perspectives on Early Modern Europe

Paperback (13 Feb 2024)

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Publisher's Synopsis

About the Publisher

University of Rochester Press

Boydell & Brewer Ltd was formed in 1978. It merged two companies, Boydell Press and D.S. Brewer, whose founders, Richard Barber and Derek Brewer, were themselves scholars - Brewer a Chaucer specialist and subsequently Professor of English and Master of Emmanuel College, Barber a medieval historian and Arthurian. Richard Barber is still a highly active scholar and continues to publish eminently in his own right and offers a vast amount of knowledge and experience to Boydell & Brewer.

Book information

ISBN: 9781648250767
Publisher: Boydell & Brewer Ltd
Imprint: University of Rochester Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 284.2492094309031
DEWEY edition: 23/eng/20231122
Language: English
Number of pages: 326
Weight: 482g
Height: 152mm
Width: 230mm
Spine width: 21mm