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Dòrlach Sìl

Dòrlach Sìl Sgeulachdan Sean Agus Ùr

Paperback (15 Nov 2021) | Scottish Gaelic

  • $12.49
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Publisher's Synopsis

'S e seo a' chiad chruinneachadh de na sgeulachdan goirid aig Maoilios Caimbeul, a tha a' sÌneadh gu iomadh àite, bho Pharis gu Ierusalem, bho Nis gu Henley-on-Thames.

Tha feadhainn dhiubh èibhinn agus feadhainn eile nas doimhne agus tha iad a' dol air ais agus air adhart ann an tÌm. Coinnichidh sinn ri teaghlach a chaidh a losgadh a-mach às an dachaigh aca ann am Bad an Loisgein anns an 19mh linn agus ri Cindy agus Dez a shiubhail gu Màrs agus air ais. Coinnichidh sinn ri Tim, am feòil-sheachnair à Glaschu agus ris an Urramach Bhaltair MacAnndrais agus am mèirleach a thug dùbhlan dha air an trèan.

Tha an saoghal os-nàdarra a' suathadh ri ceithir de na sgeulachdan. Cruinneachadh tlachdmhor a bhios na adhbhar gàire agus na adhbhar smaoineachaidh don leughadair.

These riveting stories stretch from Paris to Jerusalem, from outright hilarity to deeper, darker tones. The tales span from the 18th century Clearances to far into the future, when we will be living on Mars! Poetic writing combined with strong dialogue create funny and thought-provoking moral tales intertwined with themes of Celtic lore, religion and the supernatural in Gaelic.

About the Publisher

Luath Press

Luath Press takes its name from Robert Burns, whose little collie Luath (Gael., swift or nimble) tripped up Jean Armour at a wedding and gave him the chance to speak to the woman who was to be his wife and the abiding love of his life. Burns called one of The Twa Dogs Luath after Cuchullin's hunting dog in Ossian's Fingal . Luath Press was established in 1981 in the heart of Burns country, and is now based a few steps up the road from Burns' first lodgings on Edinburgh's Royal Mile. Luath offers you distinctive writing with a hint of unexpected pleasures.

Book information

ISBN: 9781910022740
Publisher: Luath Press Ltd
Imprint: Luath Press
Pub date:
Language: Scottish Gaelic
Weight: 284g
Height: 136mm
Width: 206mm
Spine width: 15mm