Publisher's Synopsis
The subject of this book is the dreamy and imaginative citizen who thinks about the future of humanity and our planet.......... .. "My dream is to go to the future to see the real evolution of the human mind, of artificial intelligence, of technology.The dreamy and imaginative citizen Yan, wants to go hundreds of years ahead.It has the power of time and travels into the future.He is almost certain that people are good and he is absolutely sure that they will improve, and he wants to know how long they will achieve it.And the greatest discovery he wants to make is to find a fantastic planet, where future people can live with more comfort, prosperity, peace, happiness !."The dreamy and imaginative citizen is far from war preparations and competitions, national divisions and natural disasters."A few decades ago, space travel cost hundreds of millions of dollars, but today it is quite affordable as with a few thousand dollars, any of us can become a space tourist.The "dreamer and imaginative", is a humorous fiction framed with positive imaginary and real events, taken from the history of our planet, its life, humanity, logic and science.The Book equips the public, policy makers, scientists, etc. with the necessary information needed to reduce the anthropogenic threats to our existence.Humanity can unite and treat as a fist, as a component, any obstacle or enemy in order to survive the individual himself, his family, his race, living organisms and the plant kingdom, the whole universe., in the name of the existing spirit and the supreme being.And in the future, it can solve many, many problems that it has not solved so far ". PART TWOThe Dream Chapter two=========================== The awakeningThe but, Yan, who for many years had suffered and been disappointed, awoke again, with the same nightmare, which urged him to deal with the survival of mankind and the planet: "Start writing stories for the good of your fellow human beings and our planet so that you can become happy"He could not stand this nightmare.He had been going to sleep again for four months, he was having the same dream!Since throughout his life, he never liked to write and read novels, he never engaged in theoretical sciences, history, religion, philology, psychology, grammar, syntax, and even writing. novels or poems.He studied science, he has permanent dyslexia problems and he could never learn to write and speak foreign languages !.He never wanted to hear about orators, historians, philologists, politicians, theologians. He avoided them because he thought they were "theoretical", and generally called them polylogues.So how does he manage to start writing historical fantasies, novels, fiction?You had no imagination.He seldom had dreams, except for the last one, which kept appearing to him at night for a very long time.A single dream in his sleep !, on an almost daily basis, which urged him to become the liar - writer !.Another, very important, much more serious problem that he faced and was an obstacle was that of his old age.He is over seventy years old.At this age he can no longer work.From a young age, he may have helped his villagers, his fellow human beings, friends and relatives, his classmates, fellow students, colleagues and companions in general, his employees.To turn a blind eye to the injustices he saw being done to him, and not to upset his fellow human beings.He did not want to mention in any way the irregularities of the employees who worked in the private and public services.He did not want to change, in his interest, the human, the social interest, the existing bureaucratic situation, the existing general political, economic and social situation in the country, the existing oppressive conservative system.