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Draw Some Awesome

Draw Some Awesome Drawing Tips & Ideas for Budding Artists

Paperback (31 May 2023)

  • $11.46
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Publisher's Synopsis

International award-winning illustrator Donovan Bixley brings his unique style to teaching kids (and grown-ups!) to draw. In a book that spans all levels of skill, Donovan takes his readers through warm-up and imagination exercises, before moving onto mark making and inspirational shapes. Readers are then guided through the processes of drawing animals, faces and characters, ahead of working on details like perspective, shading, shadows and composition. Donovan even teaches you how to draw a unicorn. Donovan makes learning fun, the book is bursting with his sense of humour, which makes every page enjoyable to follow and easy to remember. This book is full of tips and tricks for budding artists of all levels to come back to again and again.

Book information

ISBN: 9781800921320
Publisher: Search Press
Imprint: Search Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 64
Weight: 312g
Height: 249mm
Width: 236mm
Spine width: 7mm