Publisher's Synopsis
"The north wind blows, the north wind is cold, who is a wife and a servant. I have difficulties, I will help, I live next door to my surname Wang." Whenever there is a beauty to ask Wang Bin among the mysteries, Wang Bin just smiled and said that he Also surnamed Wang. Those who admire him are called Bin Bin, and those who don't like him are called Lao Wang. Although it became a small peasant, the next day was a small family, but Wang Bin's little days were very moist. Nothing to lick dog legs, drink flowers and wine, bubble beauty... From time to time, we must carry forward the spirit of Lao Wang in the outside world. What, you said that a small farmer is so big? A top-level practice, an ever-changing Thunder Dragon is his capital, the man's guarantee is a rounded one, and the woman's guarantee is a radish. What, you said that it takes time to cultivate, is it too arrogant in the beginning? I must know that Bin is a god man, and he is not arrogant!