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Dragon Draw

Dragon Draw Learn to Paint, Draw and Design Dragons

Paperback (07 Jul 2020)

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Publisher's Synopsis

From a former character designer for DreamWorks TV comes a step-by-step drawing and colouring demonstration book that will teach readers how to create, design and draw their own playful fantasy dragons in a super-fun style. If you love dragons, magic is in the air! Learn to create your own dragons in a uniquely fun style. Author Piper Thibodeau walks you through drawing basics and how to design a dragon character, then gives you everything you need to know to detail and colour your dragon. Includes instruction for both traditional and digital artists. A final start-to-finish demonstration takes you through all the steps for one dragon design.

Book information

ISBN: 9781440354267
Publisher: Boyds Mills Press
Imprint: Boyds Mills Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 743.893982454
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Weight: 530g
Height: 209mm
Width: 276mm
Spine width: 10mm