Down to Earth: Practical Thoughts for Passionate Gardeners

Down to Earth: Practical Thoughts for Passionate Gardeners

Hardback (16 Mar 2009)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Down to Earth is about gardening for pleasure: exerting minimal effort for maximum results. So many gardening books make America's favorite hobby seem both mentally and physically laborious. They are full of esoteric advice on color theory, plant combinations, and nutrient requirements, as well as stern admonitions to double-dig, weed, and color coordinate. Rochester encourages readers to garden for self-gratification. No hoeing, no tilling, no turning of piles. No chemical insecticides or herbicides, either. The author's goal is to encourage and enable gardeners to simplify tasks, saving time and money, while making their gardens their own. Addressing soil preparation, plant selection, propagating, seed starting, mulching, on-the-spot composting and so much more, Down to Earth is an entertainingly wry book of gardening throughout the seasons.

Book information

ISBN: 9781589793828
Publisher: Taylor Trade Publishing
Imprint: Taylor Trade Publishing
Pub date:
DEWEY: 635
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 241
Weight: 503g
Height: 239mm
Width: 161mm
Spine width: 23mm