Publisher's Synopsis
Many people are actively clamoring to get to the top of the ladder of success. But Jesus showed a much different model. Down the Up Staircase takes the reader on a journey "lower" leaving it to Father God to do the promoting. Down the Up Staircase reveals the subtle areas in life that keep the body of Christ from making progress in their walk with God. It uncovers the plan of the enemy to derail many from their destiny as mature sons of God. This book will set people free from the works of the flesh that plague much of the body of Christ Jesus today. Sheila Parnell writes with a transparency that makes this book a genuine read. She gives solid Biblical and relatable descriptive examples. With a whole new light on scripture get ready to be launched into an arena of victory. This book will set people free to be who God created them to be. The way up is to go lower in Christ.