Publisher's Synopsis
What are DoodleLoops?
DoodleLoops are unique and exciting learning tools designed to teach and strengthen reading and language arts skills and promote creativity. Your children will be inspired to learn and explore through this engaging and dynamic approach to education. We call it "Ignition for Cognition." By combining creativity, drawing and expressive language skills, learning becomes exciting, fun and meaningful!
DoodleLoops Literature will enhance your children's appreciation and understanding of fine children's literature while improving their writing and creative thinking skills. On each page of DoodleLoops Literature is a suggested book to be read by or to your children, followed by an illustration and suggestion for a written response. The suggested books are a sampling of the finest children's literature and range from Pre-K to the fourth grade level.
Give your children their own DoodleLoops pages, and you'll empower them with the "Joy of Learning to Create and Creating to Learn." You'll be thrilled with the results!