Publisher's Synopsis
What is the value of one idea? One simple idea that impacts the way you think could be worth hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars over time. For me, it was one idea that allowed me to finally go all-in and pursue my passion. One idea gave me the courage to take the leap of faith and to know that success is right around the corner, all I have to do is keep going. In Don't Swing for the Fences I share the first big idea that helped me to understand what it takes to really succeed and achieve all of your goals. The world today would have us believe and expect that we need make it BIG in our first attempt at making big changes in our lives. Anything short of becoming a millionaire in a matter of months would be failing. It's all or nothing out there. You're either in or you're out. A winner or a loser. You should be swinging for the fences. Anything short of a home run must be a complete failure. Is that the way it should feel? We are constantly bombarded with stories about the latest multi-million dollar cell phone app being created and sold by a sixteen year old. Or the college dropout entrepreneur who built a billion dollar business in a year. But we are not reminded about the thousands of businesses and individuals who fail on a daily basis to achieve their big goals. When they fail they become discouraged and often times quit. The fact of the matter is that the mega success stories are FEW AND FAR BETWEEN. They are not nearly the norm, yet they are constantly the stories that gather the most attention today. They are the ones at the forefront of our mind causing us to think in unrealistic terms whenever we dare to take a step in a new direction in order to make proactive changes in our own lives. I believe that this is a very unhealthy view of the world. It is a recipe for continuous failure and unhappiness. I know because I have lived it. This book is a solution to the instant-gratification expectations of society. You will learn about a simple mind-set for success that you can begin practicing today. The ideas are practical, can be applied to any goal or business model, and they are easily incorporated into your current daily routine. You can begin making progress toward your dreams taking little or no risk. And the best part is, you will feel great about your progress on a daily basis! Will you CHOOSE to make a habit of progress toward your dreams and feel great about it? The choice is yours.