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Don't Look Back

Don't Look Back

Large print Edition

Paperback (15 Jan 2005)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Lavinia Lake has embraced her new profession ('Private Enquiries. Descretion Assured'), and is considering a tasteful advertisement in the newspaper, against the wishes of her sometime partner Tobias March. Tobias is determined to protect her, while Lavinia is just as determined to be an equal partner in their business. But before she finishes penning the ad, an old friend delivers the shocking news that his young wife has been murdered, and an antique bracelet known as the Blue Medusa has disappeared. Could this jewel, alleged to grant mysterious powers upon its wearer, be the key to her murder?

Book information

ISBN: 9780753173244
Publisher: Isis Publishing Ltd
Imprint: ISIS
Pub date:
Edition: Large print Edition
DEWEY: 813.54
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 352
Weight: -1g
Height: 232mm
Width: 155mm