Publisher's Synopsis
A charming collection of the remarkable dogs that traipsed through the author's heart and family: Dobermans, K9s, fosters, rescues, cow dogs, a special Giant Schnauzer named Blue, and of course Little Miss Muffitt.
"Lets move to a farm and raise horses." Those words uttered by four-yearold Rose forewarned her parents who were happy city dwellers that she was an "animal person." But by the time she was eight, the family did move to a Pennsylvania farm where a multitude of animals wandered through her life, but no dogs. When she married, the family began their adventure with canines of many breeds, some purebred puppies, some fostered, some adopted and the loyal hard working K9s who were partners with Rose's daughter and sonin-law on the local police department. Loving dogs means losing them as they "just do not live long enough" but these stories of devoted, and some not so devoted, canines will warm your heart and give chuckles as well as some tears. Several Dobermans were family favorites. Lady Blue, a Giant Schnauzer, was a challenge. Muffitt, the Miniature Schnauzer, who was the love of Rose's life lived with the family for nearly seventeen years, a satisfactory time in dog-life, but losing a devoted companion who was with one that long was extremely traumatic. Grief stricken for months, one day she finds herself in local pet store that allows foster animal meetings with potential adopters. There she discovers an older Miniature Schnauzer, Maggie, and feeling sure that Muffitt guided her there, adopts the rescued puppy-mill mother. This story is a tribute to Little Miss Muffitt and all the other dogs in people's lives that fill that very special need and place in their hearts.