Publisher's Synopsis
Has Chuza reproached you?He has and he has not, Lord. He only said to me, with the authority of a husband, that if the situation is as recent facts make him think it is, I must leave You, because he, as Herod's dignitary, cannot allow his wife to conspire against Herod.And when have you been a conspiratress? Who is thinking of harming Herod? His poor throne, which is so filthy, is inferior to this seat among these rosebushes. I am sitting here, but I would not sit there. Chuza need not worry! I have no desire for Caesar's throne, never mind Herod's. They are not My thrones, or My kingdoms.Oh! Is that so, Lord? May You be blessed! My holy and divine Master, O my Lord and heavenly King! But what happened? Something of which I am unaware, which could upset you so much as to dim in you the clarity of My moral and spiritual figure? Tell Me!What? Master, the fumes of error, of pride, of greed, of stubbornness have risen as if from fetid craters and have obscured You in the opinion of some men and women... But give Me a precise account, if you want Me to comfort you.Yes, Master. You sent Simon Zealot and Judas of Kerioth to Bethany, did You not? I did. Well?Master... I am afraid I must grieve You... Master, the man from Kerioth does not understand You. It is strange that heathen ladies should understand what one of Your apostles does not understand, after being such a long time with You...His human nature, his human love, blind him.You excuse him... But he is injuring You, Master. Whilst Simon was speaking to Plautina, Lydia and Valeria, Judas spoke to Claudia on Your behalf, as Your ambassador. He wanted to wring from her, promises for the restoration of the kingdom of Israel. Claudia asked him many questions... And he told her a good lot. He certainly thinks that he is on the threshold of his silly dream, when a dream becomes reality. Master, Claudia was irritated. She is a daughter of Rome... The empire is in her blood... Is it possible that a daughter of the Claudi family would plot against Rome? She was so shocked that she began to doubt about You and the holiness of Your doctrine....