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Dive #3: The Danger

Dive #3: The Danger - Dive

Paperback (04 Feb 2025)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Sharks, shipwreck, and sunken treasure in this action packed survival series from bestselling and award-winning author Gordon Korman.

In 1665, a British vessel named the Griffin sank with a priceless amount of gold on board.

Now, centuries later, four kids are trying to raise the Griffin's treasure from the sea. Kaz, Dante, Adriana, and Star must take the biggest risks of their lives... and discover that they won't be able to trust anybody -- even themselves.

Book information

ISBN: 9781546142256
Publisher: Scholastic Inc.
Imprint: Scholastic Inc.
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 160
Weight: 114g
Height: 134mm
Width: 193mm
Spine width: 13mm