Publisher's Synopsis
Distributed Computing is designed to serve as a textbook for undergraduate engineering students of Computer Science and postgraduate students of Computer Applications. The book seeks to impart a clear understanding of the computing aspects of Distributed Systems. Beginning with an overview of the fundamental concepts, the book moves into detailed descriptions of Network, Inter-Process and Remote Communication and Synchronization of distributed systems. Key facets of Dsitributed Computing like Distributed System Management, Shared Memory, and File Systems have been dealt with individually. Special attention is paid to important topics like Real-Time Distributed Systems, Distributed Databases, and security issues. Keeping pace with the rapid development taking place in this field, the book also discusses some recent advances in Grid Computing, Ubiquitous Computing and .NET. Written in simple and concise language, the book provides numerous end chapter review questions and multiple choice questions. Several case studies have been provided in relevant chapters for students to understand real-world applications. The book may also serve as a useful reference for courses on Distributed Systems, Distributed Operating Systems, and Distributed Databases.