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Disney 100 Years of Wonder Colouring Book

Disney 100 Years of Wonder Colouring Book Celebrate a Century of Disney Magic!

Paperback (22 Jun 2023)

  • $13.86
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Publisher's Synopsis

Celebrate 100 years of magic and wonder with this official Disney colouring book!

This stunning collection of illustrations will take you on a journey through the last 100 years of Disney magic. Specially curated by the staff at the Walt Disney Archives, the book features much-loved characters, icons, Disney theme park concept art, posters, maps, movie art, vintage colouring book pieces and more to ensure there is something for every Disney fan - young or old!

The perfect way to celebrate 100 years of Disney, this book will keep you entertained for hours.

Also available: Disney Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas Colouring Book, Disney The Fashion Collection Colouring Book, Disney Hocus Pocus Colouring Book, Disney The Christmas Collection Colouring Book and Disney The Vintage Poster Collection Colouring Book.

Book information

ISBN: 9781800783126
Publisher: Bonnier Books UK
Imprint: Studio Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 80
Weight: 336g
Height: 217mm
Width: 276mm
Spine width: 7mm