Dismissing Jesus

Dismissing Jesus

Hardback (07 May 2013)

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Publisher's Synopsis

What is the way of the cross? Why does it create resistance? How do we answer objections to it? The revival of interest in Christ's kingdom and radical discipleship has produced a wave of discussions, but sometimes those discussions are scattered. This book aims to pull together in one place the core claims of the way of the cross. It aims to examine the deeply cherished assumptions that hinder us from hearing Jesus's call. When we do that, we'll see that the gospel of Christ is not primarily about getting into heaven or about living a comfortable, individually pious, middle-class life. It is about being free from the ancient, pervasive, and delightful oppression of Mammon in order to create a very different community, the church, an alternative city-kingdom here and now on earth by means of living and celebrating the way of the cross--the reign of joyful weakness, renunciation, self-denial, sharing, foolishness, community, and love overcoming evil.

Book information

ISBN: 9781498215947
Publisher: Wipf & Stock Publishers
Imprint: Cascade Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 300
Weight: 617g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 21mm