Publisher's Synopsis
This is the 2024 edition of Dishonest Money. It has an updated cover and contains a new chapter (Chapter Zero) that describes the danger of CBDCs and the benefits of Bitcoin. It also contains 150 new page references to source material, an index, and has been lightly rewritten.
If you want to understand how the so-called "Federal Reserve System" operates (how it drives prices up, creates booms and busts, transfers wealth and power from the average working citizen to the elite who pull the strings) set aside half a day and read Dishonest Money: Financing the Road to Ruin.Here are some of the topics covered in this book. Each topic is explained in simple / common language:
- The Federal Reserve System, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank: Who created them and who profits?
- Inflation, deflation, booms, busts, bailouts, and depressions: What are they, what causes them and who profits?
- Honest money VS dishonest money: How are they different and who profits?
- The CFR, the European Union, a North American Union, a New World Order: Who profits?