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Digital Landscape Architecture

Digital Landscape Architecture Logic, Structure, Method and Application

Paperback (15 May 2024)

  • $168.77
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Publisher's Synopsis

Closely related to the frontier research field of "digital technology", this book reshapes the planning and design process of landscape architecture from theoretical and practical levels. It gives a full-scale discussion to the logic, structure, method, and application of digital landscape architecture, leading this field to a new era of perception-quantification research mode. Readers will get a comprehensive understanding of digital landscape architecture, know about multiple digital methods for landscape planning and design, and learn a lot of practical projects with digital technology. And it will inspire the readers to think about new patterns and approaches to landscape planning, rather than traditional ways. This book is organized under a clear logic, which helps the readers easily get the core of the work. A lot of logic diagrams showing between the theoretical paragraphs highly summarize the key points of the book, providing a better readability and acceptability. This bookalso contains many detailed drawings and graphics for the project cases, which gives a good demonstration of how digital methods could be applied in practice. 

Book information

ISBN: 9789819920488
Publisher: Springer Nature Singapore
Imprint: Springer
Pub date:
DEWEY: 712.0285
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 442
Weight: -1g
Height: 279mm
Width: 210mm