Publisher's Synopsis
Chloe Todd believes her baby daughter is sleeping peacefully in her pram in the back garden. She lifts away the blanket to check on her and gasps in shock. Chloes neighbour calls the police. But all is not as it seems . . . Chloe Todd is in a loveless marriage. Her husband a villain who works for a man called Dean Rawlins. Rawlins has been missing for a year. Det Superintendent Hedley Sharp arrested Rawlins just before he went missing. Something hes had to live with. Hedley is suspicious but his inspector is on Chloes side a bone of contention throughout the investigation. Hedleys investigations will unearth a series of dark secrets . . . reaching back into his own troubled past. Superintendent Hedley Sharpe is a long serving detective working for Manchesters Major Crime Division. Despite being something of a rough diamond, he has an excellent clear-up rate. A widower, Hedley doesnt take proper care of himself, existing on fast-food takeaways. His wife Emily was murdered some years previously. Her killer was never caught.