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Die Suche Nach Wahrheit Im Horizont Fragmentarischer Existenzialitat

Die Suche Nach Wahrheit Im Horizont Fragmentarischer Existenzialitat Eine Studie Uber Den Sinn Der Frage Nach "Gott" in Der Gegenwart in Auseinandersetzung Mit Gianni Vattimo, John D. Caputo Und Jean-Luc Nancy - Religion in Philosophy and Theology

Paperback (03 Jul 2017) | German

  • $100.85
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Publisher's Synopsis

The quest for the one "Truth" in a pluralist society seems to have become as redundant as it is problematic - in much the same way that the idea of one "God" being the all-determining reality has. Yet we have not given up searching and the word "God" still continues to polarize, whether in society, theology or philosophy. In view of this seeming paradox, Friederike D. Rass seeks an alternative route that goes off the beaten track and beyond the temptation to resignedly retreat to relativist or fundamentalist positions. She argues that it is precisely the supposedly futile quest for a single "Truth" as well as the continuous questioning of the meaning of the word "God" that provide an essential guide to responsible action today.

Book information

ISBN: 9783161553660
Publisher: Mohr Siebeck
Imprint: Mohr Siebeck
Pub date:
Language: German
Number of pages: 277
Weight: 446g
Height: 156mm
Width: 233mm