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Didi Dodo, Future Spy: Recipe for Disaster (Didi Dodo, Future Spy #1)

Didi Dodo, Future Spy: Recipe for Disaster (Didi Dodo, Future Spy #1)

Paperback (13 Aug 2019)

  • $8.19
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Publisher's Synopsis

In this series opener, Koko Dodo the cookie chef has a big problem. Today is the day of the royal cookie contest, and someone has stolen his top-secret fudge sauce! Luckily, a spy enters the scene just in time (or rather, crashes in on her roller skates): Didi Dodo! This might be Didi's first case ever, but she has a daring plan to help Koko. Koko would prefer a safe, simple, sure-to-work plan, but without another option, he and the amateur sleuth take off on a wacky caper full of high-speed chases and big belly laughs that could only come from the mind of the inimitable Tom Angleberger. Each book in the series will focus on a food-related mystery.

Book information

ISBN: 9781419737060
Publisher: Abrams Books
Imprint: Amulet Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 128
Weight: 160g
Height: 193mm
Width: 135mm
Spine width: 8mm