Dictionary of International Human Rights Law

Dictionary of International Human Rights Law

Hardback (15 May 2013)

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Publisher's Synopsis

This one-of-a-kind dictionary provides a comprehensive breakdown of terms employed in the discussion of international human rights law. In addition to a list of definitions, this innovative volume also includes an appendix featuring descriptions of major treaties, documents, and other important human rights instruments, along with references on how to locate them.

Students and professors of international, human rights and humanitarian law will find this volume an indispensable resource, as will government officials and other practitioners working with human rights issues.

Guide to the Dictionary
List of Abbreviations

Book information

ISBN: 9781849803779
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
Imprint: Edward Elgar Publishing
Pub date:
DEWEY: 341.4803
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: xii, 250
Weight: 612g
Height: 234mm
Width: 156mm
Spine width: 27mm