Publisher's Synopsis
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1921 edition. Excerpt: ...sp. height increment oblong 'longitudinal section longitudinally or cruciately divided axiodromous longitudinal fission having long anthers tensile strength long shoot lanceolate larch, Larix sp. Larchenharz n Lagunengebusch n lappenartig a Laub n Laubblatt n Laubfall m Laubflechte f Laubholz n Laubknospe f Laubsporophyll n Laubwald m laubwechselnd a Laubwerk n Laugeneiweiss n lebendiggebarend a Lebensausserung f Lebensbaum m Lebensdauer f Lebenseigenschaft f Lebensfahigkeit f Lebensgeschichte f Lebensholz n Lebenskraft f Lebenstrager m Leberklette f Lebermoos n Leberstarke f lederartig a Lehm m leierformig a Leimgewebe n Leimzotte f Leindotter m Leingewachse n pl Leinkraut n Venetian turpentine herb and shrub vegetation of salt soil lobe-like foliage foliage leaf defoliation foliaceous lichen deciduous tree, foliage tree leaf-bud leafy sporophyll angiosperm forest deciduous foliage basic protein viviparous manifestation of life arbor vitae, Thuja sp. longevity a property of living matter vitality, viability life history lignum vitae, Guaiacum sanctum vitality biophore agrimony, Agrimonia sp. liverwort glycogen coriaceous loam lyrate collenchyma complex of glands false flax, Camelina sativa Linaceae toadflax, Linaria vulgaris leiterformig a Leitergefass n Leitfahigkeit f Leitparenchym n Leitscheide f Leitung f Leitungsgewebe n leptocentrisch a Leptoparenchym n Leuchtmoos n Libriformgewebe n Libroplast m Lichtblatt n lichtfangend a Lichtgenuss m Lichtholz n Lichtlage f Lichtreiz m lichtscheu a Lichtsinnesorgan n lichtvag a lichtwendig a Liebesapfel m liegend a liegende Markstrahlzelle f Ligulargrube f linseed oil flax, Linum sp. ridge, carina cuticular projections (into epidermal..."