Publisher's Synopsis
Publication Date: 2015, Volume 2 of 3
Dr. Theodore M. Bayless, Professor of Medicine, Emeritus Sherlock Hibbs Professor of Inflammatory Bowel Disease at the Johns Hopkins Medical Center commends this book"Diagnostic Gastroenterology" as "an overview of what a practicing gastroenterologist should know [with] practice tips which makes for an excellent Clinician... helpful and to the point for GI boards and MOC exam prep."
Volumes 1, 2 & 3 of "Diagnostic Gastroenterology" " is the most extensive recent GI board examination & recertification preparation book ─ with references extending into 2015," containing over 1,000 pages of clinical pearls, quizzes and bottom-line key learning points from the GI literature from more than the last 15 years.
Refreshing and expanding your knowledge base with multiple board type clinical syndrome patterns of GI horses, zebras and even unicorns is the only secret to good medicine as well as beating any exams.
An added current review section on Women's GI & Pregnancy liver disorders and Minority GI issues, as advised, are also covered to aid in excellence of clinical skills and master of GI board exams.
Goals of this book - Replenish, refresh and expand your GI diagnostic knowledge base using pattern recognition shortcuts-in time-saving reviews in fast facts summary style. - Prepare your mind to quickly recognize many more gastroenterology syndromes & disorders. - Reduce extra or un-necessary clinical testing. - Successfully recognize GI board exam and clinical practice horses, zebras and even unicorns. - Early detection of clinical & medical-legal complications.
Also Contains - Dozens of Clinical Pearls & Mini-Reviews in a comprehensive yet succinct audit of the GI literature almost certain to be on future Gastroenterology Certification, Re-Certification & Maintenance of Certification exams. - Multiple references for further study. - Education Series for you to provide your GI patients with diagnostic and therapeutic information. - GI board type questions & answers in the format of the Jeopardy game designed for easier and instant Pattern Recognition recall of GI syndromes. - These Q & A's are almost certain to show up on rounds, journal clubs, patient consultations, gastroenterology conferences with your colleagues, and especially residents & trainees who while preparing for GI board exams.
RX - Keep constantly at bed stand. Review & Enjoy. q. d.; h.s., p. r.n.