Publisher's Synopsis
He broke a guy's fingers for hassling a girl in a Berlin bar. Big deal. No one cares. End of story, you might think. Two years later, Nick Swann is sitting in a different bar in downtown Los Angeles minding his own business, enjoying the peace and quiet after his last "wet" job in Arkansas. He's forgotten all about the guy with the broken fingers. Ancient history. But a stranger materializes from the smoky haze of the bar and sits on a stool one over from him. Stares right at him. A woman on a mission, looking for him. Or someone like him. Is he the one? She isn't sure. Then Swann takes on a mission of his own, to hunt down and kill a man. El Diablo Gordo has become a problem that needs to be solved with the minimum of fuss. In and out. All squared away and tidy. So the last thing he needs right now is another damn distraction.