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Diabetic Living Diabetes Meals by the Plate

Diabetic Living Diabetes Meals by the Plate - Diabetic Living

Paperback (02 Dec 2014)

  • $27.44
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Publisher's Synopsis

An easy, graphic guide to planning delicious, diabetes-friendly meals This innovative, graphic cookbook offers the easiest and most flavorful way to build complete meals that are diabetes-friendly and delicious. Sidestepping complex programs that turn meal-planning into work, the 90 complete meals in Diabetes Meals by the Plate follow the Plate Method--a simple approach to eating the right foods in proper amounts by filling your plate with one half nonstarchy vegetables, one quarter protein, and one quarter starch. A clever photo style showing every meal in its three components makes it easy to enjoy perfectly portioned plates of Balsamic Roasted Chicken and Vegetables with Garlic Toast, or Horseradish BBQ-Topped Mini Meat Loaves with Chopped Romaine Salad. All meals are 500 calories or less. Two "extras" chapters help you add in simple sides and desserts.

Book information

ISBN: 9780696303074
Publisher: TI Inc. Books
Imprint: Better Homes and Gardens Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 252
Weight: 916g
Height: 251mm
Width: 229mm
Spine width: 15mm