Developing Reading Versatility

Developing Reading Versatility

11th ed.

Hardback (01 Jan 2010)

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Publisher's Synopsis

DEVELOPING READING VERSATILITY, ELEVENTH EDITION, offers students a comprehensive skills-strategies approach to reading that takes them from basic vocabulary development all the way through critical comprehension skills. The text offers a range of readings and exercises designed to help students meet any academic challenge and maximize both their efficiency and effectiveness as readers and students. From the development of study skills to using the Internet effectively to learning to evaluate textbook-style readings, DEVELOPING READING VERSATILITY offers students all the tools they need--as well as practice using them--to become successful college students.

Book information

ISBN: 9780495901143
Publisher: Wadsworth Publishing Company
Imprint: Wadsworth Publishing Company
Pub date:
Edition: 11th ed.
DEWEY: 428.40711
Language: English
Number of pages: 413
Weight: -1g