Despertar Al Infinito

Despertar Al Infinito

Paperback (21 Jan 2025) | Spanish

  • $16.52

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Publisher's Synopsis

Everything in the universe is energy that vibrates at different frequencies, creating the different planes of reality to which we generally do not have access while we are limited by our physical envelope. However, the human being has an innate capacity in latent or manifested form, to a greater or lesser degree, that allows them to come into contact with other dimensions and communicate with the cosmos. In this earthly world nothing happens by chance, everything that happens in life has an intention that sometimes it is not possible for us to see or understand. For this reason, our angels, guides or family members who have preceded us communicate with us--through that innate capacity--to guide us lovingly and offer us the opportunities and vital keys that allow us to grow. Carmen de Sayve, using her psychic ability, tries to help humanity listen to these messages, to awaken that infinity that allows spirituality to be integrated into all levels of our reality.

Book information

ISBN: 9788410335066
Publisher: Editorial Sirio
Imprint: Editorial Sirio
Pub date:
Language: Spanish
Number of pages: 260
Weight: 5897g
Height: 135mm
Width: 13mm
Spine width: 210mm