Democrats Are Dumb: A Children's Guide

Democrats Are Dumb: A Children's Guide

Paperback (17 Aug 2010)

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Publisher's Synopsis

With tongue in cheek -- but not too firmly -- the author offers a simple, but humorous review of the current political landscape and harmlessly detonates the landmines the Democratic Party has left lying around in its attempt to indoctrinate us and our children in "Socialist Think."

Khrushchev said, "...without firing a shot."
To elect more Democrats was a Communist plot.

Stephens, a highly decorated veteran of the Houston Police Department, takes his own witty potshots at everyone from Nancy Pelosi to Al Gore to Barack Obama himself.

Barack Obama likes to say,
if we're nice to terrorists...they'll just go away.

In a clever, nursery rhyme-like style, he exposes the lie of global warming, deflates the Democrats' urge for larger government and even larger taxes to support it, and muses á la Ogden Nash on the effect of broken political promises.

The consequences can be quite ominous
when a President refuses to keep his promises.

Democrats Are Dumb, A Children's Guide, is designed to open dialogue between parents and children - and anybody else, for that matter - about our current political leaders. How is it, for example, that since 2006 the Democrats have had a majority in the House and the Senate and now a Democratic president, but they've still been unable to get anything done?

Book information

ISBN: 9781432756451
Publisher: Outskirts Press
Imprint: Outskirts Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 320.5130973
Language: English
Number of pages: 78
Weight: 122g
Height: 234mm
Width: 156mm
Spine width: 4mm