Publisher's Synopsis
Proverbs 4:23-Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life. The heart is the core of who you are as a person. Your heart is, essentially, you. The heart is the place where you have your will, your attitude and intentions, and which is the source of your thoughts, actions, and words. With your heart, you choose between good and evil. Your conscience sends out a message of whether something is right or wrong, and your heart is what drives you to choose. Biologically and spiritually, the heart is the center of life. If the devil can control your heart, then he will control your destiny. If Satan cannot control your heart, then your destiny remains untouchable. If God must answer your prayer it must start from your heart. Your heart must be a clean heart. The issue of the heart is very important, it blocks prayer answer; you are the one praying and canceling your prayer. No wonder David said "Create in me a clean heart.'' A new clean heart is needed for you to work in the realm of signs and wonders. That is why it is very important we surrender our hearts to God. The Bible states that God created us in His own image. This means we must think the way God thinks. We must have God's wisdom and understanding in our lives. Every unclean thing in your heart will hinder your prayer.