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Death of a Swagman

Death of a Swagman - Inspector Bonaparte Mysteries

Paperback (23 Feb 2019)

  • $21.32
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Publisher's Synopsis

A cypher that looked like a child's game of noughts-and-crosses; a strip of hessian bag; the rhythmic clanging sound of the turning windmill suddenly breaking the silence of the night; the minister who seemed out of place as a churchman: these were some of the more puzzling aspects of the case of the murdered swagman noticed by the keen eyes of Robert Burns, alias Detective-Inspector Napoleon Bonaparte, alias "Bony".

Our distinctive student of violence arrives incognito at Merino, in western New South Wales, and, as a first move, provokes the local sergeant to lock him up. The method in Bony's madness is that while serving a semi-detention sentence and being made to paint the police station, he wears the best of all disguises... Here again is a first-rate Upfield mystery, made warm by humour, by the background characters and his portrayal of the natural background scene. - The Age

Upfield at his best. - Adelaide News

Book information

ISBN: 9781925706727
Publisher: eBook Alchemy Pty Ltd
Imprint: ETT Imprint
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 194
Weight: 318g
Height: 171mm
Width: 233mm
Spine width: 16mm