Publisher's Synopsis
Your letter is here. I have read it twice, and with amazement. Do I understand that Jervishas given you, for a Christmas present, the making over of the John Grier Home into amodel institution, and that you have chosen me to disburse the money? Me-I, SallieMcBride, the head of an orphan asylum! My poor people, have you lost your senses, or haveyou become addicted to the use of opium, and is this the raving of two feveredimaginations? I am exactly as well fitted to take care of one hundred children as to becomethe curator of a zoo.And you offer as bait an interesting Scotch doctor? My dear Judy, -likewise my dearJervis, -I see through you! I know exactly the kind of family conference that has been heldabout the Pendleton fireside."Isn't it a pity that Sallie hasn't amounted to more since she left college? She ought to bedoing something useful instead of frittering her time away in the petty social life ofWorcester. Also [Jervis speaks] she is getting interested in that confounded young Hallock, too good-looking and fascinating and erratic; I never did like politicians. We must deflecther mind with some uplifting and absorbing occupation until the danger is past. Ha! I haveit! We will put her in charge of the John Grier Home." Oh, I can hear him as clearly as if Iwere there! On the occasion of my last visit in your delectable household Jervis and I had avery solemn conversation in regard to (1) marriage, (2) the low ideals of politicians, (3) thefrivolous, useless lives that society women lead.