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Deadpool Classic. Volume 10

Deadpool Classic. Volume 10

Graphic ed

Paperback (18 Nov 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

After there was Deadpool... and before there was Deadpool again. there was Agent X! He's a merc, check. With a mouth, check. And an uncanny healing factor... hey, what gives here? Prepare to find out as the adventures of Alex Agent X' Hayden race to a dramatic conclusion - and one way or another, there'll be a Deadpool walkin'! But first, Alex has a business to get off the ground: the merc group Agency X. Only problem is, there's no 'Taskmaster' in 'team.''

Book information

ISBN: 9780785190462
Publisher: Hachette Book Group USA
Imprint: Marvel Worldwide, Inc.
Pub date:
Edition: Graphic ed
DEWEY: 741.5973
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 259
Weight: 474g
Height: 258mm
Width: 171mm
Spine width: 8mm