Publisher's Synopsis
This is a book that starts in the back room of a Vegas casino; a few guys were bored so they wanted to bet on a game. This book goes through a few contestants, the game is not really fixed but the clues are placed in interesting places. I took a bunch of dirty jokes, and woven them into the story. I had to bring a young boy into it for the little Johnny jokes, a blonde for the blonde jokes, a priest, I add and subtract contestants, to bring in different jokes so some get hurt and can't play, like getting mauled by a tiger, breaking legs, things like that, but keep main players, some jokes can get pretty blue, and some are downright nasty, that is why this is a ADULT book. The rules of the game are simple, you need five people to get a clue, and the clues lead to monuments for a payout. It takes five keys to be turned at once, the teams can't work together, and gamblers cannot contact the teams in any way or forfeit their million dollar buy in. That is it, so cheating is allowed. The contest takes place within 200 miles of a small town of Wausau, it goes into the upper Michigan, Illinois, and Minnesota, and it takes you on a journey, checking out some weird and beautiful places. Enjoy.